Conference on International Trade and Gender Equality

The Conference will include three seminars. On Tuesday 17, the objective is to explore the contribution of international trade towards the achievement of gender equality through trade policies and the promotion of women entrepreneurs (links between SDG 5, 8 and 17). On Wednesday 18, it is to analyze gender gaps in Global Value Chains (GVC), identify frameworks, new data and trends; and present government initiatives to promote gender equality in GVCs. On Thursday 19, the TAF2+ Gender, Social Inclusion and Trade (GST) Grant, funded by FCDO UK, will be presenting their technical studies on gender and trade-related issues to facilitate knowledge-sharing and networking among stakeholders in the Global South.
17 Nov 2020
10:00 to 10:30Contraseña de Grabación : Cepal2020
Gender, trade polcy and woman's export entrepreneurship
10:00 to 13:45Explore the contribution of international trade towards achievement of gender equality through trade policies and promotion of women entrepreneurs.
Trade and women ́s equality
10:30 to 10:45Director, División de Comercio Internacional e Integración, CEPAL
- Mario Castillo
Women ́s economic autonomy at the center of trade policies for a transformative recovery with equality
10:45 to 11:00Ana Güezmes García, Directora, División de Asuntos de Género, CEPAL
- Ana Güezmes García
18 Nov 2020
10:00 to 13:00Contraseña de grabación : Cepal2020
- Alicia Frohmann
Gender and global value chains
10:00 to 13:45Analizar brechas de género en distintas CGV; identificar los contextos, nuevos datos y tendencias; presentar algunas iniciativas de gobiernos para promover la igualdad de género en las CGV.
Trade and gender: an analytical framework
10:30 to 10:50Jane Korinek, OCDE
- Jane Korinek
10:50 to 11:50Brechas de género en distintas CGV.
- Karina Fernandez-StarkXimena OlmosPenny BamberAlfredo HualdeVivian Couto-Laura Ortiz
12:00 to 12:45Iniciativas gubernamentales para reducir las brechas de género en las CGV.
- Viviana AranedaVictoria Francolino
19 Nov 2020
South-South Dialogue on Trade, Gender and Social Inclusion
10:00 to 13:45El Grupo de Género, Inclusión Social y Comercio (GST) de TAF2 +, financiado por FCDO UK, presentará sus estudios técnicos sobre cuestiones de género y comercio para facilitar el intercambio de conocimientos y la creación de redes en el Sur global.
Welcome and introduction
10:00 to 10:10Contraseña de grabación : Cepal2020
- Ramona Kettenstock
Trade, Gender and Social Inclusion
10:15 to 10:35Susan Joeckes, Directora GST
- Susan Joeckes
Gender Equality and Voluntary Standards
10:35 to 10:55Sally Smith, Investigadora y consultora sobre desarrollo inclusivo y sostenible
- Sally Smith
SheTrades Outlook
12:30 to 12:45Jacqueline Salguero Huaman, Oficial asociada de Asuntos Económicos, CTI
- Jacqueline Salguero Huaman
Data Analysis for Gender and Trade Assessments
12:45 to 13:05Marzia Fontana, Investigadora, Institute of Development Studies at Sussex, UK
- Marzia Fontana
Gender Gaps in Services Trade
13:05 to 13:25Andrea Lassmann, Profesora de Política Económica Internacional, Universidad de Mainz, Alemania
- Andrea Lassmann