Nota informativa
0900 hrs – 0915 hrs - Opening of the session and Welcome remarks
- Ms. Diane Quarless Director, ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean
- Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, Segregated Portfolio Company (CCRIF SPC) representative (to be confirmed)
- Moderator: Artie Dubrie – Coordinator for the Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit – ECLAC POS
- 0915 hrs – 0920 hrs - Introduction of resource persons, participants and overview of agenda
- Facilitator: Artie Dubrie – Coordinator for the Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit – ECLAC POS (to place on show)
0920 hrs – 1000 hrs - Applications of Geospatial Technologies and Data in support of DRM.
- Facilitator: Jacob Opadeyi, Disaster Risk Management Consultant
1000 hrs – 1030 hrs - Human capacity development issues for effective mainstreaming of Geospatial Technologies and Data in DRM.
- Facilitator: Jacob Opadeyi, Disaster Risk Management Consultant
1030 hrs – 1035 hrs - Coffee Break/Cell Phone Break
1035 hrs – 1100 hrs - Global guidelines on Risk Management using Geospatial Technologies and Data.
- Facilitator: Álvaro Monett, Regional Geospatial Advisor-Statistics Division, ECLAC
1100 hrs –1130 hrs - National governance challenges in implementing Geospatial technologies and data in DRM: 5 Minute interventions from selected Caribbean Countries followed by Floor Discussions
- Moderator: Artie Dubrie – Coordinator for the Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit – ECLAC POS
1130 hrs – 1155 hrs - Round table discussions on Financial mechanisms and regional technical cooperation required to harness the full benefit of geospatial technology and data in DRM: 5 Minute Interventions
- Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean- Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean (to be confirmed)
- Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility, Segregated Portfolio Company (CCRIF SPC) (to be confirmed
- Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) (to be confirmed
- Moderator: Willard Phillips, Economic Officer, Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit – ECLAC POS (tbc)
1155 hrs – 1200 hrs - Vote of Thanks and Closure
- Facilitator: Artie Dubrie-Coordinator for the Sustainable Development and Disaster Unit – ECLAC POS