Nota informativa
0930-0950 Online Registration
0930-0950 On-site Registration
0950-1000 Security Briefing for On-Site Participants
Juda Francis, Security and Building Management Assistant, ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
1000-1003 Welcome Introduction
Mr Peter Nicholls, Unit Coordinator, Caribbean Knowledge Management Centre, ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
1003-1010 Opening Remarks
Ms Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
1010-1050 Presentation: “The Data Deluge: the Role of Research Organisations”,
Introduction: Mr Wouter Schallier, Chief of the Hernán Santa Cruz Library, ECLAC
Presenter: Mr Paolo Budroni, University of Vienna
1050-1100 Questions
Moderator: Mr Wouter Schallier, ECLAC
1100-1130 Presentation: “LEARN Project: The story so far”
Introduction: Mr Peter Nicholls, ECLAC
Presenter: Mr Wouter Schallier, ECLAC
1130-1145 Questions
Moderator: Mr Peter Nicholls, ECLAC
1145-1205 Presentation: “Data for Development in the Caribbean”,
Caribbean Open Data Portal Project
Presenter: Ms Bernadette Lewis, Secretary General, Caribbean Telecommunications Union
1205-1220 Caribbean 2030: Open frameworks for Open Data
Presenter: Mr Gabriel Abed, CEO of Bitt; Open Data and Governance Group Facilitator; Caribbean 2030 Leaders Network, Barbados.
1220-1230 Questions
Moderator: Mr Peter Nicholls, ECLAC
1230-1330 Lunch
1330-1415 Open Discussion: “Managing Research Data in the Caribbean: Good
Practices and Challenges”
Lead: Dr Winston Butler, Strategy Expert, Jamaica
Moderator: Mr Wouter Schallier, ECLAC
1415-1500 Open Discussion: “Preparing the implementation of policies and strategies for the management of research data in the Caribbean”
Lead: Dr Susan Chand, Director of Research and Graduate Studies, University of the Southern Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago
Moderator: Mr Abdullahi Abdulkadri, Unit Coordinator, Statistics and Sustainable Development Unit, ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean
1500- 1530 Closing Remarks
Mr Wouter Schallier, ECLAC
Mr Abdullahi Abdulkadri, ECLAC