AMERIGEO Week 2020
AmeriGEO Week

UN-GGIM Americas also works to establish links and mechanisms for cooperation with other related geospatial information programs and participates in conferences, forums and activities promoted by other international and regional organizations. AmeriGEO is an initiative that seeks to promote collaboration and coordination among the GEO members in the American continent, “to realize a future wherein decisions and actions, for the benefit of the region, are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information”. The initiative seeks to strengthen the engagement of other Americas countries, and to work with the flagships to tailor their work to address regional needs, in particular, those from developing countries of the Americas; Recognizing the potential of synergies, coordination, platforms and activities across both bodies, AmeriGEO Co-Chairs and the Board of Director of UNGGIM Americas, have agreed on working together to find common activities and goals to enhance the use of geospatial and EO in the region for impact.