9:00 – 9.30am
- Opening and welcome by GOSL, SLNT and UN ECLAC
9.30 – 11:00am
- The Escazú Agreement: Context and synergies with the 2030 Agenda, Multilateral Environmental Agreements and other international processes David Barrio Lamarche, Environmental Affairs Officer, UN ECLAC
- Content, implications and future steps David Barrio Lamarche, Environmental Affairs Officer, UN ECLAC
- Civil Society’s role in promoting the early ratification and effective implementation of the agreement Karetta Crooks Charles, Communications & Advocacy Officer, Saint Lucia National Trust and alternate elected representative of the public Danielle Andrade, Attorney-at-law, Jamaica, and elected representative of the public
- Q & A / Discussion with participants
11:00 – 11:15am Break
11:15am – 12:30pm
- Status of environmental access rights in the region, with a focus on the Caribbean Danielle Andrade, Attorney-at-law, Jamaica, and elected representative of the public David Barrio Lamarche, Environmental Affairs Officer, UN ECLAC
- Overview of environmental access rights in Saint Lucia Teshia Jn. Baptiste, Project Coordinator, Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender and Sustainable Development, Government of Saint Lucia
- Q & A / Discussion with participants
12:30 – 1:30pm Lunch break
1:30 – 4:00pm
- Moving towards ratification and the effective implementation of the Escazú Agreement: Gap analysis, priorities and opportunities for action David Barrio Lamarche, Environmental Affairs Officer, UN ECLAC
- Q & A / Discussion with participants