Saint Lucia: National workshop on generating climate change and disasters indicators for policy decision-making
The Caribbean region is acutely threatened by climate change, particularly the Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Saint Lucia is no exception. It is situated in the tropical cyclone belts and is directly exposed to the forces of the oceans. And as a small geographical area, disasters might affect vast proportions of the country.
Availability of quality statistics and indicators are crucial to effectively respond to the effects of climate change and build resilience. In this regard, Saint Lucia has put in place a National Environmental Information System (NEIS), and it has a dedicated section on environment statistics on the Central Statistical Office website. However, like other Caribbean SIDS, Saint Lucia faces statistical and institutional challenges. There is a need to enhance the production and use of environment, climate change and disasters indicators to draw attention to national priorities and better engage in adaptation to climate change processes.
Against this backdrop, the ECLAC´s Statistics Division, Subregional Office for the Caribbean, in collaboration with the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division, are joining forces to enhance the production and use of key indicators and metrics to monitor and adapt to the effects of climate change and strengthen Environmental Information Systems (EIS). These efforts, supported by the Development Account of the United Nations, aim to boost the environmental pillar of the 2030 Agenda and improve policy coherence in the implementation of the Escazú Agreement, the Revised St. George´s Declaration (SGD 2040), the SAMOA Pathway, the Paris Agreement, and the Sendai Framework.
- Train the participants to build selected environment, climate change and disaster indicators and its metadata.
- Identify data and capacity gaps to improve the Environmental Information System (EIS) and build a regional resilience platform.
- Have a better understanding of how geospatial data can enhance the use of environment, climate change and disaster indicators for effective decision making.
Expected outcomes
- At least three prioritized climate change or disasters indicator and its metadata is available at theend of the workshop.
- A list of relevant and prioritized climate change and disasters indicators for Saint Lucia that are alsolinked to the Paris Agreement and the Global Set on Climate Change Indicators and Statistics of theUNSD.
- Follow up steps to build further selected climate change and disasters indicators is agreed with theCSO and key stakeholders.
16 Nov 2021
Inaugural session and introduction to the workshop
09:00 a 09:45» Moderator: Karina Cázarez, Statistics Division of ECLAC
Opening remarks
▪ Anita Montoute, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science Technology and Vocational Training
▪ Richard Harris, Deputy Director, Central Statistical Office of Saint Lucia
▪ Reena Shah, Chief, Environment Statistics Section, UNSD
▪ Barbara Adams, Deputy Program Manager, CARICOM Secretariat
▪ Chamberlain Emmanuel, Head of Environmental Sustainability Division, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, OECS
▪ Rolando Ocampo, Director, Statistics Division of ECLAC- Analía Perez and Karina Cázarez, ECLACPresentation of the participantsKarina Cázarez, ECLACIntroduction and objectives of the workshop
1. Environment, climate change and disasters indicators for Saint Lucia: Needs and priorities
09:45 a 10:25- Maier Sifflet and Jeanel Volney, Ministry of Education, Sustainable Development, Innovation, Science Technology and Vocational TrainingNational policies and plans where environment, climate change and disaster statistics and indicators are requiredReena Shah, UNSDGlobal Set of Climate Change Statistics and Indicators: a tool to identify multi-purpose indicators on climate changeFaustina Wiggins, CARICOM SecretariatClimate Change Statistics and Indicators in the Caribbean» Questions and Answers Session | Group photo
2. What is needed to produce and use environment, climate change and disaster statistics and indicators?
10:30 a 11:45- Robin Carrington, UNSDFramework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES)Alberto Malmierca, ECLACStages of statistical processing and statistical classifications and typologiesFrancisco Jiménez, ECLACThe geospatial dimension of environment, climate change and disaster statistics and indicatorsCarlos de Miguel, Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division of ECLACThe Escazú Agreement: strengthening Environmental Information Systems (EIS)Uranda Caesar, Central Statistical Office of Saint LuciaTypes of data sources used in Saint Lucia: strengths and weaknesses» Questions and Answers Session» Choosing the indicator to be built during the workshop» Conclusion of the day, homework and what to expect for day 2
17 Nov 2021
3. Recap from day 1 and introduction to day 2
09:00 a 09:10» Moderator: Alberto Malmierca, Statistics Division of ECLAC
- Karina Cázarez, ECLACWhat are the most relevant climate change and disasters indicators for Saint Lucia? Results from homework exercise
4. How to produce environment, climate change and disaster statistics and indicators?
09:10 a 09:50- Janet Geoghagen, ECLACFrom data to environment, climate change and disaster statistics and indicatorsKika Klimsza, ECLACECLAC´s methodology to produce environment, climate change and disasters indicators» Questions and Answers Session
5. Building selected environment climate change and disasters indicators with national data (Part I)
09:55 a 11:50- Karina Cázarez, ECLACInstructions for break out groups exercise1) Break out groups: building selected climate change and disasters indicators2) Insights from the groups and Questions and Answers Session» Conclusion of the day, homework and what to expect for day 3
18 Nov 2021
6. Recap from day 2 and introduction to day 3
09:00 a 09:15» Moderator: Teshia Jn Baptiste, ECLAC
- Alda Díaz and Danielle C. Gordon, ECLACInteractive quiz on Methodological Sheet
7. Methodological Sheets for environment, climate change and disasters indicators
09:15 a 09:50- Kika Klimsza, ECLACHow to develop a methodological sheet and examples of methodological sheets» Questions and Answers Session
8. Building selected indicators with national data (Part II)
09:55 a 12:00- Karina Cázarez, ECLACInstructions for break out groups exercise1) Break out groups: filling out the methodological sheet of the selected indicators2) Reporting back and Questions and Answers Session» Evaluation of the workshop» Closing remarks