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6 January 2025 | Briefing note
Water management is a complex challenge that requires a collaborative approach, as it encompasses multiple dimensions and stakeholders, demanding a strong commitment to foster dialogue and cooperation. In this context, the Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Expert Group on Water Resources (LAC), established in 2022, serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas and innovative solutions that benefit the region. Through this platform, collaboration is encouraged in events, publications, and projects involving various stakeholders related to water issues in the region
24 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
El Boletín “Minerales críticos para la transición energética y la electromovilidad: oportunidades para el desarrollo económico con desafíos socioambientales” ofrece una revisión de las oportunidades y los desafíos para América Latina en torno a la creciente demanda global de los minerales críticos requeridos para la transición energética y la electromovilidad, con el objetivo de promover el debate sobre el papel de los metales y minerales para un modelo de desarrollo más productivo, inclusivo y sostenible, alineado con la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible.
23 December 2024 | Briefing note
Since its inception, the ROSA Project (Regional Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability) has been tasked with addressing the so-called "water and sanitation crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean." One of its main strategies has been to contribute to accelerating the achievement of SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). However, the region generally lacks reliable statistics and information on water management, governance, and environmental aspects. Additionally, there is fragmentation of existing information across various national institutions, as well as unequal capacities among countries to report on sustainable water resource management indicators. Consequently, the main objective of the ROSA Project has been to strengthen the capacities of countries in the region to generate and use timely, reliable, and standardized information to promote effective policies and instruments for sustainable water management in a changing environment amid the challenges of climate change.
23 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
Representantes de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), la Cooperación Alemana, la Comisión Europea y expertos internacionales se reunieron en el evento "Raw Materials for a Just Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean" en Bruselas, Bélgica, para discutir estrategias de cooperación bi-regional que promuevan cadenas de valor inclusivas y sostenibles en minerales críticos, destacando las perspectivas y experiencias exitosas de colaboración facilitadas por la CEPAL entre América Latina y el Caribe y Europa en la transición energética global.
17 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
Representantes de las Naciones Unidas, de distintos países, la Comisión Europea y expertos internacionales se reunieron en Bruselas, Bélgica, durante la Semana de las Materias Primas de la Unión Europea (UE), en la sesión "Equitable and Just Energy Transition: Implementing UN Principles on Critical Energy Transition Minerals". Este espacio permitió socializar los principios y recomendaciones del Panel del Secretario General sobre Minerales Críticos, así como analizar cómo las agencias de la ONU pueden avanzar en la gobernanza sostenible de los recursos y garantizar que la producción de minerales contribuya al crecimiento económico justo y a la equidad social a nivel global.
3 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
Representantes de las Naciones Unidas y expertos internacionales se reunieron en Bakú, Azerbaiyán, durante la COP29, en el evento paralelo "Harnessing Critical Energy Transition Minerals for Sustainable Development". Este espacio permitió socializar los principios y recomendaciones del Panel del Secretario General sobre Minerales Críticos, fomentar la cooperación multiactor y destacar la necesidad de cadenas de valor inclusivas, sostenibles y responsables para los minerales esenciales en la transición energética global.
3 de December de 2024 | Briefing note
En el marco de la reunión del grupo de experta/os de UNIDO sobre la contribución de la industria azul a la economía azul, la División de Recursos Naturales de la CEPAL presentó una visión regional sobre la sostenibilidad marina en América Latina y el Caribe. Este evento, celebrado entre el 3 y el 5 de diciembre de 2024, tuvo como objetivo promover la integración de la economía azul en los modelos de desarrollo sostenible a escala mundial.
5 November 2024 | Briefing note
ECLAC took part in the XVI Meeting of National Committees and Focal Points of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean (PHI-LAC) in Costa Rica on November 4 and 5. Additionally, it participated in the XXV Conference of Ibero-American Water Directors and Authorities (CODIA), in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, on November 7 and 8, 2024, under the framework of the Technical Dialogue on “Water Use Efficiency and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)”.
22 May 2024 | Briefing note
The seminar on “Water Governance”, organized by the Water and Energy Unit of the Natural Resources Division of ECLAC, presented an in-depth analysis of the current state of water resources in the region, the associated challenges, and proposals to improve water management and governance. The importance of strong governance to ensure equitable and sustainable access to water was highlighted, addressing aspects of public policy, sustainability, and gender equity.
3 April 2024 | Briefing note
The water and sanitation crisis requires a holistic, systemic and multilateral response to accelerate the achievement of SDG 6. In the region there is a lack of available data on the governance, management or environmental aspects of water, the data that exists on Drinking water and sanitation are dispersed among national institutions and countries' capacities to report on different sustainable water management indicators. To accelerate compliance with SDG 6, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries need to promote policies and incentives based on timely, reliable and standardized information, which requires strengthening their capacities in a changing environment. This is the central objective of the Regional Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability (ROSA) in LAC, which continues to advance with a very successful and enlightening year.
31 October 2023 | Briefing note
With only 15 per cent of SDG targets being on track to be achieved by 2030 globally, there was a strong sense of urgency to deliver on the promise that was made in 2015 at the SDG Summit this year.
30 de July de 2023 | Briefing note
Con la participación de más de 2000 líderes mundiales relacionados con investigaciones sobre sostenibilidad, en ciudad de Panamá, Panamá
12 July 2023 | Briefing note
This month, countries come together at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) to take stock of progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
24 February 2023 | Briefing note
New website highlights the contributions of ECLAC to Latin America and the Caribbean in the past 75 years Learn about the history of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and discover how it has shaped thinking on public policy and development and supported the region by promoting economic, social and sustainable development initiatives over almost eight decades.
21 February 2023 | Briefing note
When the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all 193 Member States of the United Nations at the Sustainable Development Summit in New York in September 2015 as “a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future”, it presented a historic opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean. Despite progress, the region needs to step up their efforts.
2 de June de 2022 | Briefing note
Al finalizar la Quinta Reunión del Foro de los países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible, representantes de la región se comprometieron a redoblar esfuerzos para implementar efectivamente la Agenda 2030 y concluyeron que la erradicación de la pobreza en todas sus formas es el mayor desafío actual y constituye un requisito indispensable para el desarrollo sostenible.
27 de April de 2021 | Briefing note
Evento virtual se realizará el jueves 29 de abril, organizado por la CEPAL, UNESCO, BMU y CONAGUA
8 October 2020 | Briefing note
On October 8, 2020, the document "Methodological Guidelines: design of actions with a water-energy-food Nexus approach for Latin American and Caribbean countries" was published, this is a practical tool that will support the countries of the region in adopting and evaluation of the Nexus in policies, plans, programs and projects in the water, energy, agriculture and environment sectors.
1 August 2020 | Briefing note
On August 1st, 2020, the First Issue of the Natural Resources Bulletin in Latin America and the Caribbean was published, which was prepared by ECLAC's Natural Resources Division and whose objective is to disseminate progress in governance, policies, management and the use of natural resources and associated basic and ecosystem services in Latin America and the Caribbean.