16 May 2016 | Briefing note
Maritime and Logistics Bulletin 62
4 May 2016 | Briefing note
More than 100 representatives of the public and private sectors, the academia and civil society participated on a workshop that took place today to discuss the potentialities of this renewable energy.
3 May 2016 | Briefing note
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the German cooperation – GIZ, with the support of CORFO, organized the first interregional workshop to discuss this matter and its impact on productivity.
11 April 2016 | Briefing note
Representatives from ten countries met to discuss the construction of indicators for identifying how enterprises in Latin America and the Caribbean develop their productive processes and link them with environmental aspects.
31 March 2016 | Briefing note
Gathered in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) from 28 to 31 March 2016, on the occasion of the XX Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Ministers and Delegation Leaders reaffirmed that it is essential to promote the complete implementation of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration, in line with the reality and national legislation, for which it becomes fundamental the strengthening of international cooperation and the creation of capacity in the countries of the region.
24 March 2016 | Briefing note
Marítime and Logistics Bulletin 61
2 March 2016 | Briefing note
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the issue of human rights obligations relating to the enjoyment of a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment, John H. Knox, participated in an interactive dialogue in the framework of the 31st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland on 2 March.
28 February 2016 | Briefing note
Maritime and Logistics Bulletin 60
19 de January de 2016 | Briefing note
Documento de posicionamiento de la División en el tema, Enero 2016
12 January 2016 | Briefing note