18 de October de 2016 | Briefing note
En San Salvador se llevó a cabo el encuentro en el que participaron legisladores de once países de América Latina y el Caribe.
22 de September de 2016 | Briefing note
El evento se realizó en el marco del proyecto de cooperación entre la CEPAL y la Comisión Europea Mejores políticas para las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas en América Latina.
2 de August de 2016 | Briefing note
La apertura del taller contó con la participación de representantes de cinco países de América Latina.
4 May 2016 | Briefing note
More than 100 representatives of the public and private sectors, the academia and civil society participated on a workshop that took place today to discuss the potentialities of this renewable energy.
3 May 2016 | Briefing note
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the German cooperation – GIZ, with the support of CORFO, organized the first interregional workshop to discuss this matter and its impact on productivity.
11 April 2016 | Briefing note
Representatives from ten countries met to discuss the construction of indicators for identifying how enterprises in Latin America and the Caribbean develop their productive processes and link them with environmental aspects.