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Be Ready: Building a Resilient Future for Tourism

10 de janeiro de 2025|Infográfico

A Roadmap for Business and Community Growth This infographic outlines key strategies for sustainable business development and community empowerment. It highlights essential steps to enhance data collection, expand into niche markets, and reduce operational costs, while also addressing skills gaps and integrating sustainable practices. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of engaging with local communities, investing in infrastructure, and preparing comprehensive crisis management plans. These actions together form a blueprint for boosting business resilience and fostering community love. Background: This infographic was created from the study entitled Building post-pandemic economic resilience by diversifying tourism: the case of Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Lucia. This study explores the pandemic's $7 billion impact on tourism in Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, and Saint Kitts and Nevis (2020–2022) and highlights recovery through niche markets like cultural heritage, wellness, and eco-tourism. Addressing challenges such as skills gaps and data scarcity, it recommends improved planning, stakeholder engagement, and investment in human capital to build a resilient, diversified tourism sector.

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