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LEaders Activating Research Networks (LEARN) Workshop – Caribbean

24 de novembro de 2016|Evento

Experts from the information and communication sectors recently participated in a workshop aimed at identifying and discussing common Research Data Management (RDM) issues that organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean are facing.

One of the goals of creating a LEARN community in Latin America and the Caribbean, is to provide a place in which people and organisations are able to share their knowledge and experiences, in order to  find avenues of collaboration for the development of RDM.

ECLAC’s involvement in this project is via the Hernán Santa Cruz Library at the organization’s Santiago headquarters. The Hernán Santa Cruz Library has gained invaluable experience with data management through its Digital Repository, boasting more than 35,000 official publications, from 1948 until the present day. With the work of more than 8,000 authors in five languages, this fully open access archive is open to all users interested in learning about the Commission’s work, especially policy makers, researchers, scholars and students. In total, the official documents on file exceed 2.5 million pages.



0930-0950       Online Registration

0930-0950       On-site Registration


0950-1000       Security Briefing for On-Site Participants

Juda Francis, Security and Building Management Assistant, ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean


1000-1003       Welcome Introduction

Mr Peter Nicholls, Unit Coordinator, Caribbean Knowledge Management Centre, ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean


1003-1010       Opening Remarks

Ms Diane Quarless, Director, ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean


1010-1050       Presentation: “The Data Deluge: the Role of Research Organisations”,

Introduction: Mr Wouter Schallier, Chief of the Hernán Santa Cruz Library, ECLAC

Presenter: Mr Paolo Budroni, University of Vienna


1050-1100       Questions

Moderator: Mr Wouter Schallier, ECLAC


1100-1130       Presentation: “LEARN Project: The story so far”

Introduction: Mr Peter Nicholls, ECLAC

Presenter: Mr Wouter Schallier, ECLAC


1130-1145       Questions

Moderator: Mr Peter Nicholls, ECLAC


1145-1205       Presentation: “Data for Development in the Caribbean”,

Caribbean Open Data Portal Project

Presenter: Ms Bernadette Lewis, Secretary General, Caribbean Telecommunications Union


1205-1220 Caribbean 2030: Open frameworks for Open Data

Presenter: Mr Gabriel Abed, CEO of Bitt; Open Data and Governance Group Facilitator; Caribbean 2030 Leaders Network, Barbados.


1220-1230       Questions

Moderator: Mr Peter Nicholls, ECLAC


1230-1330       Lunch



1330-1415       Open Discussion: “Managing Research Data in the Caribbean: Good

Practices and Challenges”

Lead: Dr Winston Butler, Strategy Expert, Jamaica

Moderator: Mr Wouter Schallier, ECLAC


1415-1500       Open Discussion: “Preparing the implementation of policies and strategies for the management of research data in the Caribbean”

Lead: Dr Susan Chand, Director of Research and Graduate Studies, University of the Southern Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago

Moderator: Mr Abdullahi Abdulkadri, Unit Coordinator, Statistics and Sustainable Development Unit, ECLAC subregional headquarters for the Caribbean


1500- 1530      Closing Remarks

Mr Wouter Schallier, ECLAC

Mr Abdullahi Abdulkadri, ECLAC