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Siège de la CEPALC à Santiago (Études et documents de recherche)

Project documents and research papers prepared by ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, from 1948 to the present.

Política y estrategia de evaluación. Abril de 2014

Política y estrategia de evaluación. Abril de 2014

En el presente documento se describe la política y estrategia de evaluación de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL). El objetivo de esta política y estrategia es fortalecer la función de evaluación, aumentando al máximo la transparencia y la coherencia y asegurando un...

Auteur institutionnel: NU. CEPAL. División de Planificación de Programas y Operaciones Descripción física: 26 páginas. Éditeur: CEPAL Fecha: Avril 2014 Symbole: LC/L.3724/Rev1

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Final assessment report. Assessment of Development Account Project 14/15 BG: Promoting Equality: Strengthening the capacity of selected developing countries to design and implement equality-oriented public policies and programmes
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Final assessment report. Assessment of development account project 14/15 AG: Strengthening the technical capacity of public finance managers in select Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to manage their public finances
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Final assessment report. Assessment of development account project 14/15 AI: Strengthening statistical capacities for building macroeconomic and sustainable development indicators in Latin American, Caribbean and Asia-Pacific countries
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Final assessment report. Assessment of development account project 14/15 AK: Strengthening national capacities to design and implement rights-based policies and programmes that address care of dependent populations and women’s economic autonomy in urban development and planning
