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Information and communication technologies for disaster risk management in the Caribbean

Publication cover

Information and communication technologies for disaster risk management in the Caribbean

Auteur institutionnel: NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe Description physique: 67 páginas. Éditeur: ECLAC Date: Février 2014 Symbole: LC/CAR/L.430


This paper examines the role of information and communications technologies (ICTs) for disaster risk management (DRM) with a specific focus on the Caribbean. The study included the review of literature and case studies, as well the administration of a survey instrument that collected the feedback of 13 regional national DRM agencies.
Analysis of the survey suggests that while subregional disaster management agencies have fairly good access to technology infrastructure and enjoy an information sharing culture, challenges exist with regard to the information governance frameworks as well as the capacity and availability of human capital with regard to ICT. The study findings indicate that the regional DRM sector would do well to:
 Deepen connections with policy makers and other communities of practice
 Modernize ICT Infrastructure for DRM
 Consider a subregional e-strategy for DRM
 Improve ICT governance
 Urgently develop programmes of ICT human capacity development.

Table des matières

I. Introduction .-- II. Elements of disaster risk management .-- III. The value of ICT in a DRM context .-- IV. Analysis of ICT for DRM in the Caribbean .-- V. Conclusions and recommendations.