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Development social policy for youth with special reference to young men in Saint Lucia

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Development social policy for youth with special reference to young men in Saint Lucia

Auteur institutionnel: NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe Description physique: 28 páginas. Éditeur: ECLAC Date: Novembre 2001 Symbole: LC/CAR/G.667


Summary Highlights some issues raised during consultations about the apparent alienation of some sectors of the youth population in St. Lucia. These include rising levels of involvement of male youth in criminal activity and violence, high dropout rates and increased rates of drug abuse. Examines the education system, noting its lack of responsiveness to the developmental needs of contemporary St. Lucia, the lack of economic opportunities on the island and socialisation trends. Recommends a revision of the curriculum, making the education system more technically oriented, teacher training and increased parental involvement in the academic life of children