Promotional video
8 de April de 2024
Displaying 1 - 20 of 27
Promotional video
25 de March de 2023
Iberoamérica espacio de oportunidades para el crecimiento, la colaboración y el desarrollo sostenible
Promotional video
25 de March de 2023
Quince oportunidades para el crecimiento, la colaboración y el desarrollo sostenible propuestas por la CEPAL
Recorded transmission
9 March 2022
5th meeting of the Forum of the Countries of LAC on Sustainable Development (Third day - 9 March)
Recorded transmission
7 de March de 2022
Presentación del documento "Una década de acción para un cambio de época"
Recorded transmission
14 October 2021
The Prolonged Health Crisis and its Impact on Health, the Economy, and Social Development
Promotional video
9 September 2021
Promoting productive jobs and confronting the challenge of new forms of informal employment in LA
Recorded transmission
8 July 2021
Launch of the report: The recovery paradox in Latin America a the Caribbean (English version)
Recorded transmission
4 March 2021
Launch of flagship report Social Panorama of Latin America 2020
Recorded transmission
27 January 2021
Keynote lecture by the President of the Argentine Republic, Alberto Fernández (English translation)
Recorded transmission
27 de January de 2021
Palabras del Presidente de Argentina Alberto Fernández (conferencia en la CEPAL)
Recorded transmission
27 de January de 2021
Palabras de Alicia Bárcena, en conferencia magistral del Presidente de Argentina
Recorded transmission
27 de January de 2021
Palabras de Ennio Vivaldi, en la conferencia magistral del Presidente de Argentina
Recorded transmission
10 de November de 2020
Lanzamiento nuevo informe CEPAL-OIT Coyuntura Laboral en América Latina y el Caribe (noviembre 2020)
Recorded transmission
2 de November de 2020
Horizontes CEPAL – Capítulo especial: Entrevista a Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
Promotional video
21 October 2020
Thirty-eighth session of ECLAC
Promotional video
21 October 2020
Alicia Bárcena invites you to follow ECLAC's thirty-eighth session
Recorded transmission
15 October 2020
Launch of ECLAC's Special Report COVID-19 No. 8: Political and social compacts for equality and sustainable development
Recorded transmission
30 July 2020