Recorded transmission
12 December 2023
Displaying 1 - 20 of 27
Recorded transmission
7 November 2023
Keynote Speech by the President of Paraguay Santiago Peña
Recorded transmission
30 October 2023
XVII Raúl Prebisch Lecture, by Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General of UNCTAD
Recorded transmission
19 de July de 2023
Acciones para acelerar la Agenda 2030 a través de la transición hacia la energía verde - HLPF 2023
Recorded transmission
10 July 2023
Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023
Recorded transmission
4 de May de 2023
Evento paralelo Foro ALC 2030: Taller Regional sobre los Informes Nacionales Voluntarios
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28 June 2022
4th Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and Caribbean (Monday 28 Jun)
Recorded transmission
1 de June de 2022
Movilidad urbana sostenible: un diálogo interregional sobre la industria y el financiamiento del transporte público colectivo
Recorded transmission
20 April 2022
First meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Escazú Agreement (first day)
Recorded transmission
20 de April de 2022
Inauguración Primera reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes del Acuerdo de Escazú
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9 March 2022
5th meeting of the Forum of the Countries of LAC on Sustainable Development (Third day - 9 March)
Recorded transmission
7 de March de 2022
Presentación del documento "Una década de acción para un cambio de época"
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22 April 2021
Entry into force of the Escazú Agreement - Day of Celebrations
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2 de November de 2020
Horizontes CEPAL – Capítulo especial: Entrevista a Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
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15 October 2020
Launch of ECLAC's Special Report COVID-19 No. 8: Political and social compacts for equality and sustainable development
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9 July 2020
Message by UN Secretary-General. Policy brief impact of COVID-19 on Latin America and the Caribbean
Recorded transmission
16 January 2019
Launch of the report Social Panorama of Latin America 2018
Recorded transmission
27 de September de 2018
Conferencia de prensa Acuerdo de Escazú - Alicia Bárcena (CEPAL)
Recorded transmission
5 July 2018
Launch of the report Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean 2018
Recorded transmission
10 de January de 2018