Promotional video
3 de December de 2024
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20
Promotional video
19 de November de 2024
Evento paralelo en el Foro de Desarrollo PNUD - CEPAL en Barbados: La expansión de los registros sociales
Promotional video
2 August 2023
José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs speaks on labour inclusion at the Third Seminar on Social Development
Promotional video
8 de June de 2022
Formación y educación técnica y profesional para una mayor igualdad en América Latina y el Caribe
Promotional video
9 September 2021
Promoting productive jobs and confronting the challenge of new forms of informal employment in LA
Promotional video
2 de September de 2021
Transferencias monetarias no contributivas y población infantil con discapacidad en ALC
Promotional video
9 de April de 2021
Invitación a seminario sobre informalidad laboral organizado por la CEPAL y la STPS de México
Recorded transmission
18 de March de 2021
Palabras de Alicia Bárcena en Décima Reunión de la Mesa Directiva del Comité de Cooperación Sur-Sur
Promotional video
20 de November de 2020
Video sobre estudio comparativo de la Red Kids Online América Latina
Recorded transmission
28 November 2019
Launch of the report Social Panorama of Latin America 2019
Promotional video
3 de October de 2019
Clausura de la Tercera Conferencia Regional sobre Desarrollo Social de ALC
Recorded transmission
16 January 2019
Launch of the report Social Panorama of Latin America 2018
Recorded transmission
20 December 2017
Launch of the report Social Panorama of Latin America 2017
Recorded transmission
1 de November de 2017
Segunda Reunión de la Conferencia Regional sobre Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Promotional video
9 de June de 2017
HORIZONTES CEPAL – Capítulo 9: Entrevista a Laís Abramo
Recorded transmission
30 May 2017
Launch of the report Social Panorama of Latin America 2016
Promotional video
12 de November de 2015
Inauguración de la Conferencia Regional sobre Desarrollo Social
Recorded transmission
2 November 2015
Opening ceremony of the Regional Conference on Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Promotional video
14 October 2015
The Social Inclusion of Youth in Latin America and the Caribbean
Recorded transmission
26 January 2015