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6 September 2024 | Briefing note
Minister of Planning and Development Pennelope Beckles-Robinson is set to chair the 30th meeting of the Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC), at which ministers and other high-level representatives from over 20 Caribbean member countries, along with the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Jose Manuel Salazar Xirinachs, will gather to discuss the sustainable development of the subregion.
6 September 2024 | Briefing note
Ministers and policy makers from twenty-two countries across the Caribbean will gather in Trinidad and Tobago next week to discuss and forge a path for transforming and building inclusive and sustainable Caribbean development at the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean’s meetings of the Caribbean Development Roundtable and Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee.
2 de April de 2024 | Briefing note
Durante el encuentro, que se realizará en paralelo a la séptima reunión del Foro de los Países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible, se presentará la Guía para la elaboración de exámenes locales voluntarios a nivel subnacional.
31 October 2023 | Briefing note
With only 15 per cent of SDG targets being on track to be achieved by 2030 globally, there was a strong sense of urgency to deliver on the promise that was made in 2015 at the SDG Summit this year.
13 de September de 2023 | Briefing note
El objetivo de las capacitaciones fue entregar herramientas metodológicas en el área de planificación estratégica y apoyar en la construcción del plan de inversión para fortalecer las competencias de los equipos técnicos tanto del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas como de otras instituciones públicas de Panamá.
12 July 2023 | Briefing note
This month, countries come together at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) to take stock of progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).