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5 November 2024 | Briefing note
At the LIV Meeting of Ministers, held within the framework of the IX Energy Week, ministerial authorities resolved to create the Regional Energy Planning Council, affiliated with OLADE. This Council will be coordinated by OLADE's Permanent Secretariat and will have the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) as a technical support body.
5 November 2024 | Briefing note
ECLAC took part in the XVI Meeting of National Committees and Focal Points of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme for Latin America and the Caribbean (PHI-LAC) in Costa Rica on November 4 and 5. Additionally, it participated in the XXV Conference of Ibero-American Water Directors and Authorities (CODIA), in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, on November 7 and 8, 2024, under the framework of the Technical Dialogue on “Water Use Efficiency and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)”.
5 November 2024 | Briefing note
Discover the innovative "Toolbox for Biodiversity Integration," designed to support the Kunming-Montreal Framework in Latin America and the Caribbean!
28 October 2024 | Briefing note
CEPAL has made publicly available the data used in the preparation of the publication Opportunities for the Circular Economy in Wastewater Treatment in Latin America and the Caribbean.
25 October 2024 | Briefing note
The third training session of the Water Sustainability Network and Observatory (ROSA) project for the Dominican Republic, titled “Water Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and Tools,” brought together experts and officials to analyze critical challenges in water resource management in the region. During the event, topics such as the unequal distribution of water, the impacts of climate change, and the importance of effective water governance for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 6, were discussed. The training featured notable contributions from representatives of ECLAC and the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI), who provided tools and strategies to enhance water governance.
18 October 2024 | Briefing note
On October 18th of 2024, the Dominican Republic participated in the second online training entitled “International Mechanisms on Water Resources: Results and Progress of the Main Regional and Global Events”, as part of the Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability project (ROSA in Spanish), promoted by ECLAC´s Natural Resources Division. The purpose of this event was to review the context, relevance and results of various international and regional mechanisms in water management, highlighting their value in addressing water challenges in the Dominican Republic.
17 October 2024 | Briefing note
During the X Water Dialogues Latin America and the Caribbean – Spain, held on October 17 and 18, 2024, in Madrid, ECLAC presented progress and studies on the implementation of the circular economy in wastewater treatment. Discussions focused on methane and electricity recovery in treatment plants, addressing the technical and regulatory challenges faced by the region.
11 October 2024 | Briefing note
ECLAC assists the Costa Rican government in strengthening institutional capacities for updating the National Energy Plan and evaluating the impacts of energy integration.
10 October 2024 | Briefing note
On October 10, 2024, the fifth session of the ROSA online training series for Panama on energy efficiency in the water and sanitation sector, organized by CEPAL, took place. The two-hour training was presented by expert consultants Diego Fernández, Alfredo Montañez and Pedro Chavarro and led by Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer at CEPAL. This session focused on practical cases and recommendations for improving energy efficiency in the operation of pumping systems, the use of variable frequency drives (VFD), motor replacement, and the use of capacitors.
9 October 2024 | Briefing note
On October 9th, 2024, the first online training session for the Dominican Republic entitled “Application of circular economy principles in the drinking water and sanitation sector” was held. This event was part of the Water Sustainability Network and Observatory project (ROSA in Spanish), an ECLAC´s initiative designed to strengthen countries' capacities in water management. With the participation of local authorities, students and international experts, the session focused on leveraging circular economy principles to transform the drinking water and sanitation sector.
8 de October de 2024 | Briefing note
La CEPAL ha publicado un estudio de vigilancia tecnológica sobre las ventajas y desventajas de las diversas tecnologías disponibles para la extracción directa de litio (EDL). El estudio explora la mejora de los procesos de la extracción de litio que estos métodos conllevan y analiza los posibles beneficios en términos de sostenibilidad, como, por ejemplo, una reducción significativa en los requisitos de agua.
4 October 2024 | Briefing note
On October 4, 2024, the Fourth Online Training session was held as part of the ROSA project (Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability), titled “Water, Energy, Food, and Environment Nexus,” and was exclusively directed at the Plurinational State of Bolivia. The three-hour event aimed to strengthen capacities related to adopting the nexus approach and provide useful methodological tools for the design and evaluation of cross-sectoral policies in the regional context.
3 October 2024 | Briefing note
On October 3rd, 2024, the fourth session of the webinar series: “Energy efficiency in the water and sanitation sector” was held, within the framework of the Water Sustainability Network and Observatory project (ROSA in Spanish). Under the leadership of Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer at ECLAC, the event brought together members of the National Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (IDAAN) of Panama, with the aim of discussing strategies and technologies to improve energy efficiency in the water and sanitation sector. Alfredo Montañez and Pedro Chavarro, Senior Water Experts at ECLAC, presented the central topics of the day, which included energy consumption in the drinking water and sanitation sector worldwide and its energy intensity in the sector.
26 September 2024 | Briefing note
ECLAC supports the government of Guatemala in identifying and analyzing institutional and governance challenges to implement strategies and public policies that strengthen the energy transition and promote a more sustainable and inclusive mining sector.
26 September 2024 | Briefing note
On September 26th, 2024, the third session of the webinar series: "Tariff and Energy Efficiency Strategies for Water Sustainability in Panama" was held within the framework of the Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability project (ROSA in Spanish), focusing on social tariffs. The event was attended by Silvia Saravia, Economic Affairs Officer at ECLAC, and Alfredo Montañez and Diego Fernández, both Senior Water Experts at ECLAC. During the session, policies and mechanisms were discussed to ensure that social tariffs allow the most vulnerable sectors to access drinking water and sanitation services without compromising financial sustainability.
12 September 2024 | Briefing note
The second session of the webinar series: "Tariff and Energy Efficiency Strategies for Water Sustainability in Panama" within the framework of the Network and Observatory for Water Sustainability project (ROSA in Spanish) took place on September 12th, 2024. This event featured the participation of Silvia Saravia, Economic Affairs Officer at ECLAC; Diego Fernández and Alfredo Montañez, Senior Water Experts at ECLAC. During the meeting, technical and regulatory approaches to the tariff structure in the drinking water sector were addressed, discussing cost calculation methods and their impact on the financial sustainability of services.
5 September 2024 | Briefing note
On September 5, 2024, the event "World Café: The Role of Women in Comprehensive Water Management in International Settings" took place, organized by the Water and Sanitation Regulation Commission of Colombia (CRA). The event featured the participation of Ms. Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer of ECLAC's Natural Resources Division, who addressed key topics related to gender equity in water management and its impact on the quality of life for women and girls in the region.
4 September 2024 | Briefing note
On September 4th, 2024, the Water Governance Congress: "Access to Water, a Human Right" was held, organized by the Secretariat of Natural Resources and Environment (SERNA) of the Government of the Republic of Honduras. The hybrid event took place at the National University of Agriculture and Livestock (UNAG) in Catacamas, Olancho, and ECLAC, represented by Ms. Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer of the Natural Resources Division, delivered a keynote speech at the high-level CCAD side event: "Exchange of International Experiences in Water Resource Management”.
3 September 2024 | Briefing note
The Webinar, organized by ECLAC on September 3, 2024, aimed to provide key stakeholders in the water and sanitation sector in Panama with the necessary tools and knowledge to develop a sustainable and inclusive tariff system. The first session, titled “Calculation of Service Costs,” delved into the methodologies and tools used to accurately assess the costs associated with providing water and sanitation services.
28 August 2024 | Briefing note
The fortieth session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) will be held from 9 to 11 October 2024 in Lima, pursuant to resolution 766(XXXIX), adopted at the thirty-ninth session of ECLAC, held in Buenos Aires from 24 to 26 October 2022. The meeting will be held in accordance with the ECLAC calendar of conferences for the period 2023–2024.