9 December 2022 | Briefing note
The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a silent educational crisis that threatens to affect the educational and labour trajectories of children, adolescents, and young people. Prior to the pandemic, education in the region was already facing significant inclusion and quality challenges. Hence, it is necessary to take advantage of the opportunity not only to recover but also to transform the region's education systems.
2 de June de 2022 | Briefing note
Al finalizar la Quinta Reunión del Foro de los países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible, representantes de la región se comprometieron a redoblar esfuerzos para implementar efectivamente la Agenda 2030 y concluyeron que la erradicación de la pobreza en todas sus formas es el mayor desafío actual y constituye un requisito indispensable para el desarrollo sostenible.
11 de March de 2022 | Briefing note