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16 May 2024 | Briefing note
At ECLAC we uphold that investing in gender equality and a care society is essential, not only for reasons of justice and inclusion, but also as a strategic investment to boost the economy and accelerate progress towards sustainable development.
29 November 2023 | Briefing note
Violence against women and girls remains the most widespread and pervasive human rights violation worldwide, affecting more than an estimated 1 in 3 women. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres joined ECLAC staff in raising awareness of this human rights violation during his visit to Chile.
15 August 2023 | Briefing note
The Division for Gender Affairs of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) participated in the panel "Fair tax systems to finance care", in the meeting "For a fiscal pact to sustain life in Latin America and the Caribbean: Towards an inclusive, equitable and transparent taxation". This activity was part of the side events organized by civil society in the context of the First Ministerial Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean for an inclusive, sustainable and equitable Global Tax Order.
8 de March de 2023 | Briefing note
Directoras de institutos nacionales de estadística intercambiaron sobre estrategias de transversalización de género en la producción estadística de América Latina y el Caribe. Lo hicieron en el evento paralelo “Las estrategias de transversalización de la perspectiva de género en la producción estadística en América Latina y el Caribe”, organizado por la División de Asuntos de Género de la CEPAL en el marco de la 54a Sesión de la Comisión Estadística de las Naciones Unidas.
27 February 2023 | Briefing note
ECLAC Member and Associate Member States reaffirmed their commitment to implement public policies to transition towards a care society oriented towards the sustainability of life and gender equality. The ECLAC members made this commitment in the Agreement signed on February 9, within the framework of the 64th Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean.
3 November 2022 | Briefing note
All people have been cared for and all need care throughout the phases of life. However, care work is mostly done by women and girls, which hinders their autonomy. Transitioning towards a care society as a horizon for sustainable recovery with gender equality will be the theme of the fifteenth Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, scheduled to take place this November in Argentina.
10 de July de 2015 | Briefing note
En su segunda versión, el curso regional “Planificación del desarrollo con perspectiva de género” entregó herramientas para las políticas públicas que buscan la igualdad, contó con testimonios de líderes regionales y con la participación de representantes de 12 países.