12 December 2018 | Briefing note
The recently adopted Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (“Escazú Agreement”) was highlighted in two events during the 24th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Katowice, Poland.
26 November 2018 | Briefing note
The Escazú Agreement was presented at the side event “Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and environmental democracy through Human Rights, Nature Rights and the Escazú Agreement” held on 26 November 2018 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, in the framework of the 14th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
4 de June de 2018 | Briefing note
El evento fue organizado por la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), el Banco Mundial y la Cooperación Alemana. El evento reunió a representantes de Alemania, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, México, Colombia y Perú, así como a diversos expertos internacionales.
29 March 2018 | Briefing note
In the framework of his participation at the 37th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, John H. Knox, emphasized the importance of the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean recently adopted on 4 March 2018 in Escazú, Costa Rica.
23 de March de 2018 | Briefing note
La plataforma, coordinada por el ILPES, reúne a los participantes de los cursos impartidos en el marco del convenio de cooperación entre el organismo regional y AECID.