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9 December 2024 | Briefing note
INE technicians participated in a workshop organized by ECLAC to develop a statistical geoportal based on free software and open standards. The initiative seeks to strengthen the dissemination of official data and promote interoperability, following successful examples from other countries in the region.
25 de November de 2024 | Briefing note
El estudio destaca la necesidad de reconocer y fortalecer la economía social y solidaria en Chile, impulsando la homogeneización de datos y la colaboración entre instituciones para su consolidación y desarrollo.
25 April 2016 | Briefing note
The initiative, called CE-Digital, is organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in its role as technical secretariat of the eLAC process, CAF - Latin America Development Bank and the GSMA.
9 de June de 2014 | Briefing note
En CEPAL Agentes públicos y gubernamentales se capacitan para incorporar la perspectiva de género en los procesos de planificación pública.