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Guide for prioritizing and evaluating environmental remediation projects: managing mining legacies

Publication cover

Guide for prioritizing and evaluating environmental remediation projects: managing mining legacies

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL Physical Description: 194 pages. Editorial: ECLAC Date: December 2024 ECLAC symbol: LC/PUB.2024/19-P/Rev.1


This document contains information, methodologies and guidelines for policymakers and those responsible for implementing public policies aimed at prioritizing investment in environmental remediation projects. It presents an analysis of the concepts of environmental mining legacies and remediation, as well as their most important aspects, taking into account the heterogeneity of the definitions used in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Emphasis is placed on safeguarding human rights, environmental protection, liability for remediation of damage, and economic and financial analysis. It provides common definitions and guiding frameworks to standardize the economic and financial analysis of risk-based environmental management. As a starting point, any remediation project must first control the risk for people and the environment. Subsequent financial, economic and social analyses help to determine the most appropriate projects on the basis of the prevailing conditions. The concepts presented throughout this paper are applied and understood in the framework of public sector economics, environmental economics, welfare economics and the economic and financial spheres.

Table of contents

Indice .-- Introducción .-- Capítulo I. Propósito de esta guía .-- Capítulo II. Orientaciones para proyectos de remediación sostenible de un pasivo ambiental minero .-- Capítulo III. Herramientas para la toma de decisiones en la gestión de pasivos ambientales mineros .-- Capítulo IV. Pasos previos para realizar una evaluación integral y con enfoque de sostenibilidad en un proyecto de remediación .-- Capítulo V. El análisis de la relación costo-beneficio para comparar alternativas de remediación .-- Capítulo VI. Evaluación integral para una remediación sostenible .-- Capítulo VII. Retroalimentación en el proceso de seguimiento del proyecto .-- Capítulo VIII. Reflexiones finales.