Press Release
Symposium on the Promotion of an inclusive and accountable public administration for sustainable development
The Symposium on the “Promotion of an inclusive and accountable public administration for sustainable development”, which will be held from 16 to 17 March 2016 in Cochabamba, Bolivia, is organized by the Government of Plurinational State of Bolivia, together with the Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA), in cooperation with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean. The Symposium will provide high-level public officials from Latin America and the Caribbean a platform to share knowledge of innovative practices and lessons learned on how to build an inclusive and accountable public administration for the achievement of sustainable development. It is expected that over 400 participants will attend this capacity development event, including Ministers, government officials, representatives of the United Nations, regional development banks, academia and other relevant organizations.
The Symposium will provide the opportunity to promote capacity development and exchange knowledge about policies, strategies, innovative practices and lessons learned on how to build an inclusive and responsive public administration to achieve sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a particular focus on the above-mentioned three thematic areas. The United Nations Public Service Awards, and a number of other award programmes, as well as innovative e-government cases contained in the UN E-Government Surveys, have shown that there is great capacity in every region of the world to reinvent government and to launch innovative practices in service delivery. The global and regional flow of ideas, practices and approaches between and within countries has assumed increased importance over time. Disseminating information about innovations in government, through this event and transforming this information into knowledge, is an important contribution to our quest for sustainable development.
- Strengthen capacities of national and local governments in Latin America and the Caribbean to promote an inclusive and accountable public administration able to support progress towards the sustainable development goals;
- Share knowledge about innovative practices on how to promote ethical leadership in public governance; how to foster transparency and access to information, and how to identify suitable mechanisms that allow citizens to hold governments accountable and participate in decision-making and service delivery;
- Foster regional cooperation and peer-to-peer knowledge transfer beyond the event.