- Workshop Objectives and Methodology & Introduction of Participants - Achim Halpaap, Associate Director,Training Department & Head Environment Unit, UNITAR (inglés)
- Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration of 1992 within the context of implementation of the BPoA and MSI - Carlos de Miguel, Chief of Unit, Sustainable Development Policies, ECLAC (inglés)
- Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration within the Context of the Barbados Programme of Action (BPoA) and the Mauritius For the Further Implementation of the BPoA (MS/BPoA) - Mark D. Griffith, UNEP (inglés)
- Caribbean Review of Principle 10 Developments - Hon. Justice Winston Anderson, Caribbean Court of Justice (inglés)
- Access to Information, Participation in Decision-Making and Justice in the OECS: some thoughts - Peter A. Murray, Organization of Eastern Caribbean (inglés)
- Bali Guidelines Implementation Guide - Stephen Stec (inglés)
- The Caribbean and Access To Information Rights - Carole Excell, Senior Associate, The Access Initiative, World Resources Institute (WRI) (inglés)
- The legal basis for public participation in the Caribbean, UNEP/ECLAC/UNITAR - Melinda Janki LLB, BCL, LLM, Justice Institute Guyana (inglés)