Briefing note
See attached programme (Portuguese)
This seminar presented the methodology followed to assemble the 2005 Subregional South American Input Output Table (IOT), and the MERCOSUR Subregional IOT, 2005 and 2011 versions, as well as that of each corresponding national IOT. Likewise, ECLAC presented a set of results obtained from the MERCOSUR Subregional IOT, as well as methodological details that allow for the use of the South American and MERCOSUR IOTs as tools for economic analysis. The seminar also included a panel discussion on regional integration, infrastructure, and value chains.
The course was held at the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), with the participation of IPEA staff, and several public entities in Brazil (Central Bank of Brazil, Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Planning, Development and Management).
See attached programme (Portuguese)