Second Jamaica GIS user virtual Conference: "Geospatial technology: Shaping our future"
2nd Jamaica GIS Virtual User Conference

The GIS User Conference will bring together key stakeholders, ideas, and innovations to discuss the use of geospatial technologies for development purposes and to publish the various ways in which GIS is being utilized. This forum will therefore examine how geographic data, combined with other information, will help the government measure and monitor implementation of the SDGs, and why it is important to improve the availability of and access to geographic data. We are extending the conference to regional and international participation, creating opportunities for attendees to learn about local and global geospatial issues, through presentations, demonstrations and virtual interactions with peers, luminaries and emerging and established companies, and how these can be applied to addressing challenges locally.
The concept is an agenda spanning a two-day period with opening ceremony, plenary and technical sessions focused on stakeholders from specific sectors (from government to business to academia) and how GIS and other geospatial technologies are being utilized in these sectors. The conference will be hosted virtually from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm daily