Briefing note
Download Preliminary programme.
Wednesday,18 June 2003
8.30 a.m. Registration of participants
9 a.m. Opening ceremony
- Statement by the Executive Secretary of ECLAC
- Statement by the Chair of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas
- Presentation by the Chair and secretariat on organizational matters
- Adoption of the agenda and organization of work Working documents: LC/L.1887(CEA.2003/1) LC/L.1921(CEA.2003/8)
Report on the Programme of International Statistical Work for Latin America and the Caribbean, June 2001-June 2003
Working document: LC/L.1697(Rev.2)
Presentation of the proposed programme of international statistical work for Latin America and the Caribbean, July 2003-June 2005
- General introduction by the ECLAC secretariat
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3)
10.30 a.m. Coffee break
11 a.m. Presentation of subprogramme 1
Introduction 10
- System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3), paras. 10-18; 32-36
- Tourism statistics
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3), para. 24
- Harmonization of economic statistics and International Comparison Programme (ICP)
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3), paras. 19-23
- General discussion and preliminary approval of subprogramme of work 45 03-6-380
1.30 p.m. Lunch 3 p.m.
Presentation of subprogramme 2
- Population and housing censuses
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3) paras. 46-47;52-57
- Improvement of surveys and measurement of living conditions in Latin America and the Caribbean (MECOVI)
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3) paras. 37-43
- Network of Institutions and Experts for the Development of Social and Environmental Statistics (REDESA)
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3), paras. 61-68
4.30 p.m. Coffee break 5 p.m.
- Millennium goals Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3), paras. 69-72
- General discussion and preliminary approval of the subprogramme of work
6.30 p.m. Reception for delegations hosted by the Executive Secretary
Presentations of subprogramme 2 :
-Proyecto Censo Común de Mercosur - Chile y Bolivia. Censos de la Ronda del 2000: Principales resultados y perspectivas. INE-Chile (Only Spanish)
-Objetivos de desarrollo del milenio en América Latina y el Caribe. CEPAL. (Only Spanish)
Thursday, 19 June 2003
9 a.m. Presentation of subprogramme 3
- Environmental statistics
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3), paras. 74-77
- Statistics on gender equity
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3), paras. 84-98
- Statistics on science, technology and innovation
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3), paras. 78-83
- General discussion and preliminary approval of the subprogramme of work
11 a.m. Coffee break
11.30 a.m. Presentation of subprogramme 4
- Role of statistics in national policies and in regional integration
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3), paras. 73, 101-106
- Advance indicators and corporate opinion surveys
Working document: LC/L.1903(CEA.2003/3), paras. 110-111
- General discussion and preliminary approval of the subprogramme of work
Presentations of subprogramme 4 :
-Paris 21. (Only Spanish)
-Papel de las estadísticas en las políticas nacionales y regionales. Comunidad Andina. (Only Spanish)
1.30 p.m. Lunch 3 3 p.m.
Remarks by the Chair on the objectives of the substantive sessions and organizational matters
Topic 1
Preparation of directories and use of administrative registers as a primary information source and as a framework for surveys and other statistical research
Introduction by the moderator
- Presentation of working document LC/L.1892(CEA.2003/7)
Comments and discussion
Summing-up by moderator
Presentations of Topic 1:
-Cadastros Estatísticos de Empresas construídos a partir de Registros Administrativos (Only Spanish)
10 4.30 p.m. Coffee break
5 p.m. Topic 2 Management geared to ensuring the quality of data produced by national statistical institutes
- Introduction by the moderator
- Presentation of working document LC/L.1891(CEA.2003/6)
- Presentation of working document LC/L.1889(CEA.2003/4)
Friday, 20 June 2003
9 a.m. Remarks by the Chair and the secretariat on organizational matters
Topic 2 Management geared to ensuring the quality of data produced by national statistical institutes (continued)
Comments and discussion
Summing-up by moderator
Presentations of Topic 2:
Gestión orientada a asegurar la calidad de los datos en los institutos nacionales de estadísticas: desarrollando calidad en el INE - Chile. INE - Chile. (Only Spanish)
Gestión orientada a asegurar la calidad de los datos en los institutos Nacionales de Estadística. INE-España. (Only Spanish)
10.30 a.m. Coffee break
11 a.m. Topic 3 Public credibility of national statistical institutes
Introduction by moderator
- Presentation of working document LC/L.1890(CEA.2003/5)
Comments and discussion 60 Summing-up by moderator
Presentations of Topic 3:
Credibilidad pública del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Only Spanish)
Credibilidad en las Estadísticas Públicas, Activo Fundamental de un País (Only Spanish)
12.30 p.m. Lunch 3 p.m.
Report of the Rapporteur and adoption of agreements
3.45 p.m. Coffee break
4.15 p.m. Election of the Executive Committee of the Statistical Conference of the Americas for the period July 2003-June 2005
5 p.m. Closing session