Tuesday, April 24
8:00 - 8:30 Opening remarks
Fernando Ramírez, President of the board of directors of National Institute of Statistic and Census (INEC)
- Aditya Agrawal, GPSDD
- Daniel Taccari, ECLAC
- Fredy Rodríguez, Cepei
- Olga Marta Sánchez, Minister of National Planning and Economic Policy
9:00 - 9:30
Session 1: National strategy for the implementation of the SDGs
María del Pilar Garrido Gonzalo, Vice-Minister of National Planning and Economic Policy
- Presentation of the country organization for the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and its alignment with the National Development Plan
9:30 - 10:30
Session 2: Challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the SDGs
Moderator: Natalia Morales, State of the Nation Program (CONARE)
- María del Pilar Garrido, Vice-Minister of National Planning and Economic Policy
- Silvia Lara Povedano, Representative for the business sector in the SDG Advisory Committee
- Marcela Alvarado, Representative of Civil Organizations in the SDG Advisory Committee. Executive Director of Urbarium
- Pauline Stockins, ECLAC
10:30 - 11:00: Break
11:00 - 11:30:
Sesión 3: Session 3: Data availability for SDGs indicators (INEC)
Presentation of the country research findings on data production for SDGs María Elena González, Coordinator, Area of Coordination of the NSS, INEC)
11:30- 12:30
Session 4. SDGs data requirements, gaps and opportunities for Costa Rica
Moderator: Agustín Gómez, Member of the board of directors of INEC
- Floribel Méndez, Manager of INEC
- Rafael Monge, Rafael Monge Vargas, National Center for Geo-Environmental Information (CENIGA), Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE)
- Álvaro Monett, ECLAC
- Sandra Liliana Moreno, DANE - Colombia
13:30 - 15:00
Session 5: Data roadmaps for sustainable development and country experiences
Moderator: Davis Adieno, GPSDD
- Aditya Agrawal, GPSDD
- Angélica María Palma, DANE - Colombia
- Emmanuel George Ossei, Ghana Statistical Service
- Manuel Cuéllar Rio, INEGI, México
- Alexandra Suasnavas, Director of Quality, INEC, Ecuador
15:00 - 15:30 Break
15:30- 16:30
Session 6: Do not leave anyone behind: the importance of data disaggregation
Moderator: Alice Shackelford: Resident Representative / Coordinator of the United Nations System Costa Rica
- Leonardo Merino, State of the Nation Program (socioeconomic)
- Juan Manuel Cordero, Deputy Defender of the Inhabitants (ethnic minorities)
- Ana Lorena Flores, Salazar, Gender Unit, Supreme Electoral Tribunal (gender)
- Carlos Von Marschall, Representative of MIDEPLAN (Geographic)
Wednesday, April 25
8:00 - 08:30 Registration
8:30 - 08:45 Reflections on day 1 and introduction to day 2
8:45 - 9:30
Session 7: The Potential of Administrative Data
- Maciej Truszczynski, Statistics Denmark
9:30 - 10:30
Session 8: Forum on administrative data
Moderator: Elizabeth Solano, Deputy Manager INEC
- Erikson Álvarez Calonge, Executive Director of the National System of Information and Unique Registry of Beneficiaries of the State (SINIRUBE)
- María Elena González, Coordinator of the Coordination Area of the NSS
- Rob Worthington, Kwantu
- Sun Hwa Song, GPSDD
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:00
Session 9: Side events on key data issues
There will be 3 side events during this time that will focus on key areas of intervention to improve the data of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Side event A: Open data
Moderator: Fredy Rodríguez, CEPEI
- Ana Gabriel Zúñiga, Vice Minister of the Presidency
- Andrés Yanez, ECLAC
- Jamison Crowell, Open Data Observatory
- Andrew Young, GovLab, GovLab, New York University
Side event B: production of spatial data
Moderator: Pascal Girot, Geography School, University of Costa Rica
- Marta E. Aguilar, Head of the National System of Territorial Information, National Geographic Institute
- Rebecca Firth, Humanitarian Open StreetMap
- Sofia Mora, INEC: Construction of Social Maps
- Kathryn Seitz, Digital Globe
Side event C: New data sources
Moderator: Alonso Ortiz, GPSDD
- Edgar Mora, Mayor of Municipality of Curridabat
- Alice Brenes, DESINVENTAR, National University Program (UNA)
- Víctor Ohuruogu, GPSDD
- Astrid Van Lierde, Dalberg Data Insights
13:00 - 14:00
Session 10: Policy and enabling environment
Moderator: Jorge Umaña, Consultant
- Roberto Lemaitre Picado, Directorate of Concessions and Standards in Telecommunications, Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications
- Ana Gabriel Zúñiga Aponte, Vice Minister of the Presidency
- Agustín Gómez, Escuela de Estadística, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR)
- José Pablo Rivera, Manager of Regulation and International Relations, Telefónica
14:00 - 15:00
Session 11: The Roadmap Forward - Priorities, Opportunities and Key Commitments for Costa Rica
Facilitated by Aditya Agrawal, GPSDD and Hugo Murillo Castro, MIDEPLAN
This session will consist of 4 meeting groups. Each group will be assigned one of the following topics to focus their discussion on:
a) Administrative data and data disaggregation
b) Governance and leadership: regulation, coordination and collaboration for the availability of data under a multi-stakeholder approach
c) Development of capacities and resources needed to move towards a data ecosystem
d) Data and technology innovation: addressing data gaps, new data sources and necessary technologies
Cada grupo discutirá las siguientes preguntas:
1) From what you have heard and discussed during the last two days, where do you think Costa Rica currently is in terms of its overall advancement?
2) What are the key problems facing Costa Rica in relation to the focus area of your group?
3) Based on the problems you have identified; how would you prioritize them?
4) Are there any other major issues, challenges or opportunities that were not brought up during the workshop that you would like to identify?
15:00 - 15:30 Break
15:30 - 16:30 Report back
A representative of each group inform to the plenary about what was discussed in their groups. Representatives are expected to report on the perceived baseline, priority areas of action and new issues that require further exploration.
Facilitated by Aditya Agrawal, GPSDD and Hugo Murillo Castro, MIDEPLAN
16:30 - 17:30 Closing remarks
- Ana Helena Chacón, Vice President of Costa Rica
- Floribel Médez, Manager INEC
- María del Pilar Garrido, Viceminister of MIDEPLAN
- Fredy Rodríguez Cepei
- Daniel Taccari, ECLAC
- Aditya Agrawal, GPSDD