Press Release
The course is given by the Infrastructure Services Unit of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC, Regional Commission of the United Nations). It addresses the main current trends and future prospects of ports with a strategic, regional and global vision of the evolution of the port and maritime industry. The concepts in port management have evolved along with the globalization and evolution of markets, regional and world industry, technological changes, new requirements for sustainability, collaboration and efficiency throughout the chain, making new strategies necessary to improve productivity. and competitiveness of our ports for the benefit not only of better operations and quality of services to users, but also of significant positive impacts on the chain, the community and the urban and social environment, finally, throughout society.
The course mainly considers the economic and sustainability aspects of ports and the need to use a new governance to face current and future challenges resulting from the permanent evolution of the industry. It lasts 30 hours, comprises 15 modules.
The topics that will be addressed in the course are distributed as follows:
Introducción, historia y evolución de los puertos |
Desafíos portuarios |
Benchmark soluciones Landside |
Gobernanza e institucionalidad portuaria |
Sostenibilidad en puertos |
Economía y negocio portuario |
Proyectos portuarios |
Políticas nacionales de logística |
Economía del Caribe |
Desafíos de la logística portuaria y las ciudades puerto |
Concesiones portuarias |
Logística, transformación estructural y desarrollo |
Tecnologías |
Desastres naturales |
Foro de discusión |